Eating Frog With Pomodoro

Aqsa Aziz
2 min readJan 1, 2021


There is an office task which was assigned to me on 15th of December and I was told that the deadline is after a month and there is no need to rush and you can do it slowly slowly at your own pace .Initially I decided that I will divide the tasks into days so that I will complete it before the deadline easily but I guess the one month deadline have put me in ease. Now today its 29th and I just have 13 to 14 days left to submit it. So, I decided to complete a major chunk of it today by practicing the Pomodoro. I came to office today and turned the Wi-Fi off and put the phone on silent. I turned on my laptop open the file and start working on it and on the other hand I set the timer of 25 minutes. I was distracted by some other office fellows twice they were talking so loudly so I noted it down on the paper and continued my work. After 25 minutes I took a short 5 to 10 minutes break to regain energy and then repeated the whole cycle again for 4 times.

The whole experiment was a little difficult because I had to put my phone on silent and turn off the Wi-Fi but then I got involved in my work and I was more attentive and focused towards the work. By doing this, I was able to complete a major part of the work which otherwise would not have possible. I am looking forward to using this technique in future as well because it has helped me in doing the task with more dedication and peace of mind.

